We are hiring! (for VP Marketing & Events) APPLY NOW. Applications are open until Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 11:59 PM PST.


Join our team!

SFU LYFE is recruiting for the Fall 2024 semester! We are looking for motivated individuals who are ready to contribute to meaningful initiatives. Submit your application by Sunday, Sept 29, 11:59 PM.


hello student!

Welcome to SFU LYFE.


Summer 2024

What’s in store for the summer semester? Follow us on Instagram, where we’ll announce all the latest updates for any upcoming events or projects.


What do we do?

Club Socials

Each semester we host club social events where students of all ages and faculties come together to chill and have a rocking time. After the icebreaker, we chat about personal development, set goals for the semester, and of course… play games! If this sounds like you, definitely come check us out sometime. Who knows? You might end up making friends for life, and plus, we’ve got free food! 

Career Workshops

In the past, we’ve brought in speaker like Patrick McAndless, a guest lecturer at 400+ educational institutions across the globe, to lead our personal branding workshop, and SFU career advisor Jo-Anne Nadort, who ran an interactive career planning workshop.

These events are catered towards helping students broaden their horizons in terms of what’s possible as a career path and giving students an idea of what it’s like in the workplace by hearing the stories of the professionals we bring in.



Occasionally, we put on events in collaboration with other clubs at SFU. Here, you’ll get the opportunity to meet students from not just SFU LYFE, but other clubs too. In the past, we’ve done hikes with the Hiking Club and a gaming social night with SFU Surge.


Student resources

Blog Posts

Do you like to read stuff relating to personal and professional development? You’re in luck, SFU LYFE has a blog!

LYFE Talks

Need some tidbits of value and inspiration? Interested in how SFU students overcame obstacles on their journeys? Tune in for 3 to 12-minute motivational speeches on key lessons and takeaways from phenomenal beings.


On our podcast, The LYFE Show, we talk to different guests about issues that affect our daily lives as students.

Club Execs

Meet the team


Have questions?

Send us an email at [email protected]! We’ll be happy to answer all your questions 🥳

How do I join the club?

To become an official member, you can sign up on SFSS here.
But more importantly, come to our events! There’s no requirement other than having fun, learning, and being your best self. 

How many events do you run each semester? How often do events happen?

It varies from semester to semester, so be sure to stay updated on all our socials so you know when we have events coming up.

Is SFU LYFE hiring?

Yes! We are currently hiring for the Summer 2024 term. You can apply to become an executive here.