You wake up. It’s 8 AM and you have a multitude of work and deadlines ahead of you. Instead, you decide to check your social media briefly to see what your people were up to last night. Same old same old, those who are out having fun like corona doesn’t exist and you feeling the massive FOMO. I mean they don’t have to broadcast it during these times, do they?
Wait… is one of your friends in the Dominican on a beach with some fine guides or was this pre-pandemic? You DM her. Yes, she is in the Dominican Republic and she’s finishing up school remotely. Also, those were not her guides, she just met them there. Great.
You roll out of bed, plop into your chair, and whip out your computer. First things first, you check your email to see a massive number of unread messages. Of course, you open none and just scroll through to see if you received anything of importance from your bank, your phone carrier, your boss, BC Hydro, and maybe SFU. Nothing of utmost urgency. You check the time, already 8:20 AM.
You look outside, just Raincouver — the usual. Since you would fit the scenery outside, you change into your cute rainproof athletic fit and decide to go for a quick run around your local park. Good way to get out of your funk, feel productive, and get those exercise endorphins rolling you think to yourself. As you are mid-warm-up-stretch, your roomie walks by. You say “nice eyebrows” while grabbing your AirPods on the way out.
They say “wait, are these the eyebrows? (pointing to their eyes or eyelashes), or are these the eyebrows? (pointing to their actual eyebrows).”
You laugh… you thought the pandemic had affected you adversely…
I guess that’s what happens when you create your eyebrows and do your eye-makeup without washing it off before passing out. Your smoky look turned you into an SFU Raccoon, nobody on campus would be able to tell the difference. They would just keep staring, filming, and pointing at you while saying “legendary” every 40 seconds.
You can’t stop grinning on your run thinking about your recent encounter with your roomie and you feel great because good tunes make everything better. The feeling of rain is therapeutic too. At least you are feeling something, it’s been a while.
You head back home and it’s a little after 9 AM. Perfect, just enough time to make a cup of matcha before your first meeting because otherwise you might be tempted to crawl back in bed. As you are waiting for your hot water to boil, your roomie comes in.
“You have 5 minutes?”
“A little less, but shoot.”
“So, I was in a Zoom meeting and this co-worker slides into my Zoom DMs to ask for clarification on the project I am leading, but wait get this, he says, ‘do you wanna communicate via Insta?’ Then I respond with, ‘I don’t have Instagram’, but instead of privately DMing him it goes to everyone in the whole meeting. This is why I have a love-hate relationship with Zoom.”
You almost choke on your toasty matcha tea. Your roomie here is a massive influencer by the way, she’s just lowkey about it and nothing is directly associated with or to her; she is kind of anonymous in a sense. That’s the funny part.
She continues, “and then he DMs me, ‘well can I get your number?’ Alright, okay smooth move and nice try bud.”
You swear your roomie is a live Netflix series. Anyway, your time to exit the show. You insert an, “alright gotta dip before I am virtually late.”

About the Author
I am a yogini, I love shuffling, and my go-to is classic rock… since 2020. —Tilyna