Comparison is Truly the Thief of Joy
High school feels like a starting line where we’re all in the same place, dreaming of the future. But after graduation, life takes us…
Maximize Every Moment: 3 Simple Tips to Achieve Peak Productivity
In a world where every second counts, time slips away before we realize it. As a full-time student juggling work-related projects and countless assignments,…
Beyond the Scholarship: The Beedie Luminary Family and Its Impact on My Life
In my grade 12 year of high school, a teacher of mine briefly mentioned the Beedie Luminaries scholarship, saying that I should apply. That…
Three Ways Pursuing Minimalism Has Changed My Life
1. Physical Clutter I’ve always loved clothes. Growing up, shopping was a regular weekend activity with my mom or friends, and I rarely went…
Cultivating Gratitude
As a university student, life can often feel overwhelming. Between classes, assignments, and social commitments, it is easy to get caught up in the…
Survive This Finals Season
Ever feel like finals week sneaks up on you? Maybe you’ve caught yourself procrastinating with, “I’ll start tomorrow,” only to realize tomorrow is already…
How To Prepare For The Canadian Job Market With IECBC
Canada has one of the most diverse and vast job markets that attract millions across the globe in hopes of finding new opportunities and…
How Being A Writing & Learning Peer Helped Me in My University Life
Did you know that SFU has a cool library service dedicated to helping students tackle their writing and learning concerns? It’s all part of…
Dealing with Procrastination
Procrastination is something we all struggle with at times. Personally, it used to have a huge hold on me; I’d find myself staying up…
Adaptation to Change
Something I noticed as a SFU student is that being in such a big university is quite intimidating and scary at the beginning. But,…
How to Achieve Your Goals (or Get Closer to Them)
One time in my 10th grade math class, I asked another classmate (let’s call him Jared) if he could help me out with a…
4 Things I Wish I Did Sooner as a Student with a Disability
This past spring, I was diagnosed with ADHD, which was something I initially had trouble processing and accepting. I always thought that an important…
Never Settle For Less When There Is A Possibility For More
Continuously improve yourself
Blog Bytes #6: Self Processes, Burnout, & Priority Alignment
Blog Bytes is a series that shares ideas to help you live your fullest every day. This is a snippet from the Nathan Barry…
5 Mindsets to Adopt in 2023 for a Greater Life in 2024
1. Routinely question every action you take and belief you hold with “is this action or belief taking me where I want to go?”…
Struggling to Get to Bed? Try Bringing the Bathroom to the Bedroom.
For all the lazy llamas out there
On New Year’s Resolutions (2023 Edition)
How to not fail your New Year's resolutions
On Doing the Important Things: When You Feel Lost, Distracted, or Stuck, Ask Yourself These 4 Questions
A simple life audit & awareness exercise
On Getting An Extra Hour of Sleep Each Night
#05 — Blog Bytes is a series that shares ideas on living every day to its fullest. Let’s do some math. There are 7…
Feeling Pain Is a Prerequisite To Experiencing Pleasure
Doing hard things, apparently, makes you happier
2 Years Ago, I Died — In a Dream
And it felt very, very real
How I’m Using the Cold Turkey App to Sleep Way Earlier
Pressing pause on the internet
How I Avoid Binge-Watching Netflix 99.9999% of the Time
So I have this rule…
How to Search Like Sonic the Hedgehog With Site-Specific Search
Search any site from your browser's address bar
An Unpractical But Viable Solution to Eliminating “YouTube Scatterbrain Syndrome”
Stop streaming. Start downloading.
7 Ways to Boost Your Career Prospects This Summer
It can be tempting to spend your summer relaxing, enjoying the sun and warm weather that is missing from our lives the rest of…
How I Make $750k Per Year as a Full-Time Student
Feel free to steal my formula for success
The Life-Changing Magic of Using More Than One Browser
Focus is separation.
💖 Several Short Ideas on Relationships and Friendships
1. The Law of “Fuck Yes or No” When it comes to relationships, it should be a “fuck yes or no” decision—this applies to…
🌼 A More Peaceful and Gentle Way to Wake Up in the Morning (ease your way into the day)
So guess what! I discovered this trick to make waking up in the morning so much less anxiety-inducing. All you have to do is…
Crush Your YouTube Addiction by Making YouTube Ultra Boring
To all the YouTube addicts who want to quit but just can't
The Internet is a Trap. Start Viewing it Like This.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Welcome to the Internet.
Blog Bytes #4: To Become Happier, Ask Yourself These Two Questions Every Night
Blog Bytes is a series that shares ideas to help you live your fullest every day (formerly known as SFU LYFE Pod Bytes). Join…
The Myth Behind Motivation — Why Doesn’t It Work For You?
I’m sure many of you have seen pictures like the one above. Coffee mugs telling us “don’t stop till you’re proud,” or book covers…
The need for political tolerance and the dangers of an infallible story
Political tolerance is defined as providing basic rights and freedoms to individuals and groups who hold opposing views. It is a fundamental principle of…
6 Easy Steps to Become a More Productive Student
How’s your school-life balance? Intact? Obliterated by a barrage of assignments, essays, and midterms? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. It can get pretty…
What Does “In-Person” Mean and How Do We Actually Go “Back to School?”
As someone who entered university during the pandemic, I have some qualms about finally coming to school, and I’m sure you do as well.…
Why Focusing on the Present Is (And Will Always Be) The Only Thing That Matters
The past doesn’t exist. I’m wrong, am I not? Like, of course the past exists. Yesterday happened, and now, “oh hey, here I am!…
The 100 Percent Rule That Makes Sticking to Life Changes 100% Easier
It’s pretty hard to change your behavior. Only 19% of people who make New Year’s resolutions actually succeed over a 2-year period. Most fail…
Stay Focused with Flipd, Our New Online Study Community
Good morning students. I hope you all had a candid weekend. If you’re wondering what ‘candid’ means, well I must inform you that I…
Become Gold
We all have goals. And we all want to achieve them. In doing so, we constantly, and naturally, avoid what holds us back and…
And it’s a typical Sunday morning in March
You wake up. It’s 8 AM and you have a multitude of work and deadlines ahead of you. Instead, you decide to check your…
To live is to fight winnable battles in an unwinnable war
The inevitable downfall of every single person,The inevitable downfall of monument and vocation.The inevitable downfall, The inevitable decay. The inevitable death. The inevitable downfall…
Spring 2021 Team Expansion
Introducing SFU LYFE’s New Members! We are thrilled to welcome the new additions to our team this Spring term. Read more about the new…
I took cold showers for a year straight
It is just half-past 10 pm on a Wednesday night. My hair is wet from a shower—a cold shower. Flashback to 300 days ago,…
Blog Bytes #3: Do You Expect Bad Things To Happen?
Blog Bytes is a series that shares ideas to help you live your fullest every day (formerly known as SFU LYFE Pod Bytes). Join…
The Reason Behind Imposter Syndrome and How to Deal With It
Imposter syndrome is a prevalent struggle among college students. When we experience imposter syndrome, we feel as though we aren’t worthy of where we…
Transcending the Culture of Acceptance
Let me tell you something about myself. I never had a large number of friends, even now, they are far and few between—especially with…
Blog Bytes #2: Breaking Bad Habits
Blog Bytes is a series that shares ideas to help you live your fullest every day (formerly known as SFU LYFE Pod Bytes). Join…